kailali hospital

Geta Eye Hospital

Geta Eye Hospital was founded in 1981 with the aim of Reducing the burden of blindness and visual impairment in Far Western Region of Nepal.

This big hospital is situated in Geta VDC of Kailali district,which is located 8 km away from Dhangadhi,the District headquarter of Kailali.Geta Eye Hospital is a community oriented non profit social organization responsible for comprehensive eye health care in Far Western Region of Nepal. People from across the Far Western Region of Nepal and also from neighboring India are benefitted. The hospital has a remarkable record of most cataract surgeries performed to date.At this time this hospital is going to more popular day to day.

 Seti zone Hospital
seti zone hospital is big hospital of kailali district. this hospital more important of kailali's people. beacause none other one big hospital here of government. its only one of big Government  hospital. people find on this hospital more facilities.

Shouldice Hospital Case - 1 Model Shouldice Hospital as a processing operation with products, attributes and resources. 2 What are its competitive priorities. 3 What kind of market has it chosen to focus on. Shouldice Hospital follows the business model of focus on a single standardized service for a narrow target of consumers, rather than to provide customized solution (as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing quick, convenient, and reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own technique, called the Shouldice Method and claims to provide relatively short post-operative recovery period....   [tags: Healthcare Hospital ]1131 words
(3.2 pages)
Wireless Networking in a Hospital - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The breakthrough of wireless technology has introduced new possibilities for healthcare. These wireless networks allow connection and control between computers, handheld devices, printers, scanners, and other peripherals without the hassle of cords and cables. They provide crucial mobility that is necessary in the modern hospital. In areas of constant activity, such as the ER, the ICU, and the surgical recovery room, immediate information such as a patients test results would be beneficial to nurses and other healthcare providers....   [tags: Hospital Technology Network]1438 words
(4.1 pages)
Hospital Trends in The Current Economic Environment - ... Hospitals need to analyze their services and health programs, and only engage in activities which are beneficial and cost effective to them, taking into consideration the wellbeing of the patients (TREADWATCH, 2009). The current Hospitals goals should be changed to focus on making health care affordable to all, by categorically making their patients to adopt government insurance programs, which are more stable and with fewer risks of problems associated with economic down turn. Hospitals should also adopt effective management systems, which would make them more competent in managing their debts and cash....   [tags: Hospital Administration]
:: 3 Works Cited
1043 words
(3 pages)
Morgan, Morgan by Janette Turner Hospital - "Morgan, Morgan” by Janette Turner Hospital This paper will explore the short story “Morgan, Morgan” by Janette Turner Hospital in a poststructuralist way using both New Historicism and Deconstruction. First, we will explore the tenants of New Historicism and apply it to the story, and then we will explore the tenants of Deconstruction and apply it to the story. The ideals of New Historicism were first outlined by Michel Foucault and later developed by Stephen Greenblatt. Foucault did not develop New Historicism; however, his philosophy and ideas formed the basis of the practice....   [tags: Morgan Janette Turner Hospital Essays]
:: 3 Works Cited :: 3 Sources Cited
1665 words
(4.8 pages)
Oncology Clinical Trials at Holy Cross Hospital: A Cost-Effective Model - ... Therefore the results are imperative to the existing body of knowledge. Literature Review The cost of conducting clinical trials can be impacted by the following: the type of trial (Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, or Phase IV also known as post-market), the number of patients, and the support systems necessary to carry out the study. Phase I oncology trials tend to be the most expensive and can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000 per patient. According to physician Neal Cohen, from the University of California, “no one is tracking costs related to trials.” Dr....   [tags: Hospital Administration]
:: 6 Works Cited
1876 words
(5.4 pages)
Improving Motivation Amongst HSS (Hospital Shared Services) Employees - ... Through these friendships productivity may increase in the workplace. Increased productivity may lead to accomplished organizational goals. Once the organizational goals are accomplished the productivity may be noted by the hospital corporate employees. Positive portfolios may be built by the hospital containing information on how fast the response time is to certain situations by our guards and how secure the facility’s environment has become. Our executives will be able to display these indisputable portfolio’s to possible clients and in return gain contracts with these clients....   [tags: hospital security, security jobs]
:: 3 Works Cited
1867 words
(5.3 pages)
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How Valerie D. Brooks Came to be CEO of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Valerie D. Brooks was appointed CEO at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She is the first African American woman to ever hold this title. The trials and tribulations of Valerie D. Brooks made her the strong woman she is today. As a result, The Thomas Jefferson University Hospital would like to welcome Mrs. Valerie D. Brooks to our hospital. She brings her expertise in the medical field. Valerie has worked for two top notch hospitals in the Philadelphia area, such as Temple University Hospital and The University of Pennsylvania Hospital....   [tags: Hospital, Valerie D. Brooks, CEO, managers,]615 words
(1.8 pages)
Hospital Care - Critical Care Hospital - Case Study _ Incident for Discussion: Critical Care Hospital Critical Care Hospital has planned to purchase a CATSCAN within the next six months. Though not mentioned in the text, the cost of the equipment will be at least several hundred thousand dollars, and could even exceed one million dollars. Additionally, major renovations are required to the radiology department where the equipment will be housed. Unfortunately, the construction project cannot be started until the machine is in place, which will be five months from now....   [tags: essays research papers]720 words
(2.1 pages)
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Staffing at a Hospital - No matter the breath or the depth of an organization, it will always have the inherent need for human resources. It is safe to say that without work force, no organization in the world would exist. Recognizing not only the need for people, but also more importantly, the need for skilled, efficient and loyal employees has been a key turning point in defining the role of the Human Resource professional. However, some of the most important and challenging functions of human resource professionals are directly related to the recruitment, selection, training, and appraisal of the organization's employees or potential employee....   [tags: Business Human Resources]784 words
(2.2 pages)
Hospital Pharmacy - ... This is why it is crucial to have back up for these systems on servers located outside of the pharmacy. Weekly downtimes are scheduled to ensure the system is always updated and running at full capacity. There is always the chance of a full system failure, which would require the tried and true reference back to a paper system. 3. It is important to be concerned about e-iatrogenesis because as a society, we are moving more and more toward the use of electronic systems and databases. To improve efficiency and workflow, most systems have moved toward automation....   [tags: Medicine]
:: 2 Works Cited
1835 words
(5.2 pages)
Hospital Birth vs. Non-Hospital Birth - ... Sometimes leaving the patient discompose. This may seem drivel to some the patient, but if it is, as stated in “Business of Being Born,” “good for the baby” then nothing else will suffice. Next, a non-hospital birth usually has midwifery or Doula. Midwifery is a profession in which providers take care of pregnant women during her labor and birth and during the postpartum period. Assisting the mother with the child after it is born. According to “Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America,” midwives attends the majority of births....   [tags: Health Care ]
:: 4 Works Cited
1068 words
(3.1 pages)
Care In and Out of the Hospital - ... A third example is if an elderly person has a mental illness. Giving an example of this it would be dementia or schizophrenia. Both of these diseases are an illness of the mind and have to be watched carefully by the person who has it and their family. Since the person is sick, they are more likely to be rehospitalized because of their illness. When someone is discharged from the hospital, they are taken back home to continue their recovery. If the person keeps getting better while at home, they do not have to be taken back to the hospital....   [tags: Health Care]
:: 4 Works Cited
1341 words
(3.8 pages)
Business Evaluation of Hospital - Business Evaluation of Hospital “With the foundation and commitment of our spiritual heritage and values, our mission is to promote the heath and well-being of the people in the communities we serve through a comprehensive continuum of services provides in collaboration with the partners who share the same vision and values.”      This mission statement explains the goal and purpose of Faith Community Hospital. Unfortunately, it seems that a large number of employees either forget the meaning of the mission statement or have made their own....   [tags: Business Marketing Essays]
:: 1 Works Cited
1627 words
(4.6 pages)
Aravind Eye Hospital - Introduction Established in 1976 with the mission to eliminating needless blindness, Aravind is the largest and most productive eye care facility in the world. The brainchild of Dr. Venkataswamy, Aravind Eye Hospital provided free eye care and surgery to millions of needy patients apart from regular patients. Currently, there were 3 Aravind Eye Care hospitals across the state of Tamil Nadu – at Madurai, Tirunelveli and Theni. A new facility at Coimbatore was also under consideration. Since its inception, the Aravind group of hospitals had screened 3.65 million patients and performed some 335,000 cataract operations nearly 70% of which were done free of charge....   [tags: Business Model Analysis Management]1250 words
(3.6 pages)
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St. Thomas Hospital's History - St. Thomas Hospital's History St. Thomas's operating theatre was first built in 1106 close to the Priory Church and was used for general hospitality, which means meals and a bed to sleep in. It was not only used for treating people but also just like a Bed& Breakfast hotel. In 1212 it was destroyed by the fire and rebuilt 3 years later, in 1215. But it was placed at a different site, in Borough High St6reet because the conditions were supposed to be better. 650 years later it was in the way of a planned railway....   [tags: Papers]387 words
(1.1 pages)
Hospital Case Study - ... After the try out test from the competitor’s service, the cost over the long term ended up costing VH more due to additional repair that had to be performed by OEM. After all these setbacks, Mr. Grieg and his teams continued to strategize ways to resolve this issue. The team where knowledgeable about VH’s in house repairs of certain hospital equipments and had to figure out if the company where capable of repairing the endoscope due to the complicated nature of the equipment. One of the team members, Steve Elder suggested a coordination process between Victoria Hospital and its affiliated partners....   [tags: Business Management ]1302 words
(3.7 pages)
Hospital Management Case Study - Hospital Management Case Study Analysis My analysis of this case is that the communication process at the hospital is the biggest problem. Chris is a newly college graduate and already an associate CEO of a huge organization with little experience, Pat the CEO of the organization is wanting Chris to make decisions on a problem that he knows little about being he was just hired. The issues that are at hand are that the CEO is placing a lot of the work on the new person and relying on him to think of how to overcome a lot of the problems that have been going on for awhile....   [tags: Medical Management Business Analysis]736 words
(2.1 pages)
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Hospital Case Analysis - Hospital Case Analysis Hospitals are a necessary part of every individual's life. When one thinks of hospitals, help comes to mind (Hospitals Struggle to Keep Their Promises). Neither a person's age, ethnicity, nor economic background should matter when it relates to access to healthcare. Everyone will need hospital care at one point in their lives, no matter how healthy one may think he or she is. That is the reality. Unfortunately, many of these organizations are in danger. "Hospitals are experiencing a period of financial duress unprecedented in recent history....   [tags: Management Strategy Analysis]2200 words
(6.3 pages)
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New Hospital in Brooklyn - Populations are increasing from the ratio of 10% to 20% each year. The cities are becoming crowded, but the provided facilities, like hospitals are unimproved and undeveloped. The people have no convenient hospitals where they can go and quickly get treatments. I read the news that you want to improve services to residents, which would be a dramatic change in the community. I argue to build a new hospital in our city because it would be prove to save lives, times and money. Hospital will best serve the needs of residents....   [tags: Community Improvement]594 words
(1.7 pages)
Patient Treatment in a Hospital - Patient Treatment in a Hospital The purpose of visiting a hospital was to find out how a hospital is run and the experiences of patients who were receiving treatment there. Interviewing a patient gave me the opportunity to develop my own communication skills. It also allowed me to discover the pros and cons of healthcare in a hospital and assess how I would treat patients in the future as a doctor. I interviewed a 29 year old man, NM, who works as an international sales manager....   [tags: Papers]888 words
(2.5 pages)
Shouldice Hospital Operations Management - Shouldice Hospital Operations Management Introduction Shouldice Hospital, set up in 1945 by Dr. Earl Shouldice, is located near Toronto. It follows the business model of focus on a single standardised service for a narrow target of consumers, rather than to provide customised solution (as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing quick, convenient, and reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own technique, called the Shouldice Method. It is famous for a relatively short post-operative recovery period....  [tags: Business Management Analysis ]1422 words
(4.1 pages)
Case Study Faith Hospital - Faith Hospital is in need for some positive changes. As with many health care institutions the need to change to better meet the demands and expectations of our patients and our community is always there. These changes will help Faith hospital become a stronger force within the medical community. And allow our staff to continue to serve and help others live longer and healthier lives for many years to come. This hospital needs to be run without an operating loss. To do this we will have to make some changes in policy and in how this hospital functions....   [tags: Health Care]1555 words
(4.4 pages)
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Ameliorating Hospital Working Conditions - ... Another study found that a stress management program decreased the claims of malpractice (Sieben 13). The CISM program in the hospitals will function to manage the stress in the workforce to produce these same effects as in the previous studies. The CISM program consists of five essential components that work cohesively to reduce the impact of the critical incident or stress. The first phase educates the participant in managing stress. It goes in great detail of how they may feel and the symptoms of distress....   [tags: Nursing, CISM]
:: 7 Works Cited
1650 words
(4.7 pages)
Hospital Emergency Preparedness ... Legal concerns hover over every issue in disaster planning and crisis standards of care. EMTALA was enacted in 1986 to try and halt the problem of “dumping patients” due to the fact they were underinsured or had no insurance at all prior to receiving treatment. EMTALA mandates that a Medicare participating hospital with an Emergency Room screen everyone to determine if further emergency medical treatment is needed. The hospital has no further legal obligation if after examination there is not an emergency medical condition....   [tags: Emergency Management ]
:: 6 Works Cited
2083 words
(6 pages)
The Children’s Hospital - The Children’s Hospital Before beginning my volunteer work I faced quite a dilema. Where could I influence children, help them develop their leadership potential, educate them about agriculture, and have fun-all at the same time. After a single telephone call to the Children’s Hospital Volunteer Services Coordinators, I learned that volunteers were readily accepted to serve within the hospital’s recreational therapy deparment. When they asked my reason for volunteering, I explained to them that I wanted to help the children develop their leadership potential as well as other abilities....   [tags: Personal Narrative 123 essays]781 words
(2.2 pages)
Hospital Supply Chain Management - Care Healthcare Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management plays a vital role in our hospitals today. With the growing cost of healthcare and new technologies, it is vital for hospitals to run as efficiently as possible without jeopardizing care. To the materials manager and to the financial minds of a hospital the area of supply chain is a tedius task at best, the kind of planning, strategizing and measuring that seldom goes recognized and rewarded. The work involved with inventory control fits tightly within that description....   [tags: Operations Management]
:: 3 Sources Cited
1635 words
(4.7 pages)
The Healing Hospital Paradigm - ... The current buzz words are Healing Hospital, Radical Loving Care, and The Golden Thread of Healing. Healing Hospitals have specific components that comprise their makeup. They are” 1) A healing physical environment, 2) The integration of work design and technology. 3) A culture of radical loving care” (Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, n.d.). These three components intermingled with spiritualty makes up the basis for the healing hospital. The first component speaks of a healing environment. This is an environment that is restful to the patient and the patient‘s family....   [tags: Nursing ]
:: 4 Works Cited
1102 words
(3.1 pages)
If Disney Ran Your Hospital - ... Guests come to Disney for an escape from reality. Disney, in turn, provides an environment of courtesy and delight with an ensemble of cast and characters to please any imagination. Hospitals must glean wisdom from Disney by having talent or habits which reflect a courteous, safe, and healing environment for patients. Walk the walk is a theatrical term which speaks well to the Disney Corporation and hospitals across the country ability to close the gap of customer service expectations and services provided....   [tags: Healthcare]
:: 21 Works Cited
2487 words
(7.1 pages)
Visit to Holly House Hospital - Visit to Holly House Hospital We visited Holly House Hospital on 26th January 2005 to look at how physics is used in the medical profession, and how it is used in medical diagnosis. Whilst being shown around the separate radiology unit at the hospital, I noticed how Magnetic Resonance Imaging used different ways to look within patients, and helped specialists to try to diagnose and treat internal problems. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) MRI was discovered in July 1977. French scientists discovered that using powerful electromagnetic fields and radio waves could produce images....   [tags: Papers]1856 words
(5.3 pages)
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Infection Prevention in a Hospital Setting - Title: An algorithm to estimate the importance of bacterial acquisition routes in hospital settings. Introduction The significant increase in antibiotic resistance amongst pathogens is making it very difficult to successfully treat infections, especially in intensive care units (ICU’s). Prevention of the spread of infection among patients within the hospitals is fast becoming amongst the most important methods for controlling infections. This requires the identification of the different acquisition routes, that is, routes by which bacterial colonization occurs....   [tags: Medical Care Position Paper]1397 words
(4 pages)
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Hospital Corporation of America - Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) Staff Analysis Statement of Problem HCA, after following a conservative financial policy since its establishment, has entered the new decade preparing to make some changes in order to realign their financial strategy and capital structure. Since establishment, HCA has often been used as a measure for the entire proprietary hospital industry. Is it now time for the market to realign their expectations for the industry as a whole. HCA has target goals which need to be met in order to accomplish milestones in the future....   [tags: Economics Case Study]1494 words
(4.3 pages)
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Manor Memorial Hospital - Manor Memorial Hospital Problem The potential of a competing neighboring clinic poses an obstacle in the progress towards achieving DHC's service and profitability objectives. There are also unfavorable demographic shifts out of urban and into suburban areas, which cause a need to adjust the focus of the target market. Objective In the short run DHC needs adjust the image in the community to increase the number of first time and returning patients. In the long run DHC needs to be grow and satisfy the current patient base to be prepared when and if a competing clinic does appear....   [tags: Business Analysis Market Management]1039 words
(3 pages)
Hospital Fall Prevention Programs - ... Muir, Berg, Chesworth, Klar & Speechley (2010) studied community-dwelling older adults in order to evaluate the independent contribution of the balance assessment on future fall risks. This was a prospective cohort study. A sample of 210 active adults received complete geriatric assessment at base line, which included the Berg Balance scale. Information on daily falls was collected for 12 month by each participant’s monthly submission of a falls log calendar. Study concluded that depends on measuring tool for balance assessment the number of people at risk will vary....   [tags: Patient Education]
:: 14 Works Cited
1782 words
(5.1 pages)
Faith Community Hospital Case Study - Faith Community Hospital Case Study The case study of the Faith Community Hospital presented several issues that are affecting the success of the hospital. The nonprofit organization has developed a negative rapport with its community, patients, and stakeholders....   [tags: Management Organization Analysis Strategy]1388 words
(4 pages)
Urban Legend of Glenn Dale Hospital - Glenn Dale Hospital Background Over the recent break, I mentioned to a friend that I needed to write about a ghost-related urban legend. He offered to tell me about Glenn Dale Hospital, which is supposedly a famous ghost legend in Maryland. Since I am a lifelong Maryland resident and did not know about the hospital, I was eager to hear the story. The story was told in the living room of a house by a 19 year old white male native to southern Maryland. He is from a middle class family and his father and mother are a construction worker and a homemaker, respectively....   [tags: Ghost Stories Urban Legends]
:: 4 Sources Cited
901 words
(2.6 pages)
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Urban Legend of Glenn Dale Hospital - Glenn Dale Hospital Many people claim that they do not believe in ghosts or other uncanny things. Despite those claims, however, a good urban legend still has the power to make anybody stop and ponder the question, “What if?” What if these stories that always seem to have some level of possibility, were actually true. As urban legends transcend through years and generations, they always find a way of still seeming possible in the present time. This is what can be said of the story that was shared with me about the Glenn Dale Hospital....   [tags: Urban Legends Ghost Stories]
:: 3 Sources Cited
1312 words
(3.7 pages)
Urban Legend of Glenn Dale Hospital - Glenn Dale Hospital Many urban legends get passed down to others from information people hear, read, and experience on their own. Stories get manipulated and exaggerated over time and reasons for the story’s existence can vary. The true story of Glenn Dale Hospital appears to be rather clear according to credible sources – but this does not stop people from creating their own myths and legends and believing what others tell them is true. The story was told to me by a white female college sophomore that I have known for many years....   [tags: Urban Legends Ghost Stories]
:: 3 Sources Cited
1173 words
(3.4 pages)
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Physician-Hospital Arrangements In Professional Integration - ... Comparison of Two Selected Types of Physician-Hospital Relationships In comparison IPAs and FIOs have physicians and providing healthcare in common. The difference between an IPA and a FIOs is like comparing a boutique store to that of a nationwide chain of department stores. The IPA like the boutique store, is owned and operated by the same group of people, they cater to the wants and needs of the customers/patients, and normally charge more for the very high quality of service provided. IPAs have open access if the customer/patient can afford the cost of their service....   [tags: Healthcare]
:: 4 Works Cited
867 words
(2.5 pages)
The Importance of Hand-Washing in a Hospital Environment - ... This will help cut down on the spread of C-Diff to another patient and even to the staff. When the Patient leaves the room they ask for them to wash their hands. If employees and visitors would just utilize this concept the spreading of C-Diff would cut down, and so would the hospital bill. MRSA also known as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus is big in the hospital. MRSA is the term for bacteria that have acquired resistance to the Methicillin antibiotic. It is a common bacterium....   [tags: Health & Wellness]
:: 4 Works Cited
1232 words
(3.5 pages)
Design and User Experience : The Private Hospital - ... Inside of section call specialty it is a complete listing of physicians that lend services with their respective pictures and some articles of interest for the parents. This segment usually used their website to promote their services with publicity related to healthcare that they provide, it is important to highlight that the focus that these clinic have over neonatology and pediatrician services are very important since the pediatrics department are taken as business unit, which have one of the highest quantity returns by patient makes it high profitable for the hospital....   [tags: Technology]546 words
(1.6 pages)
Pre-Hospital Immobilization of Trauma Patients - ... 2 However the patient was immobilised with a cervical collar and extrication board and conveyed to the appropriate receiving hospital as Fisher J.D et al (2006) also states all patients should have initial immobilisation if the mechanism of injury suggests possible spinal injury. During handover of the patient the paramedic received criticism from a doctor implying unnecessary immobilisation of the patient. The immobilisation equipment was removed in the Emergency Department and the patient subsequently began complaining of cervical spine tenderness....   [tags: Nursing]
:: 11 Works Cited
1757 words
(5 pages)
Visit Report on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Visit Report on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Introduction For my visit on the applications of physics, I went to Queen Elizabethhospital on the 10th of November 2004. The Queen Elizabeth hospital operates the largest critical care unit in Europe, which is combining intensive therapy with high dependency units. The hospital situated in Selly Oak is a distance of one and a half miles from the SellyOakHospital between them there are approximately 5900+ employees. Queen Elizabeth Hospital is aimed, to the adult population mainly in the West Midlands and offers a range of health services; bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy, cancer, renal and trauma services etc....   [tags: Papers]1226 words
(3.5 pages)
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Tools for Hospital Pharmacy Process Improvement Tools for Hospital Pharmacy Process Improvement (Graphics not availalbe) Abstract With increasing operation costs, patient safety awareness, and a shortage of trained personnel, it is becoming increasingly important for hospital pharmacy management to make good operational decisions. In the case of hospital inpatient pharmacies, making decisions about staffing and work flow is difficult due to the complexity of the systems used and the variation in the orders to be filled....   [tags: Pharmacy]1934 words
(5.5 pages)
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The Abandoned Mental Hospital - Original Writing - The Abandoned Mental Hospital - Original Writing I collected several items that I would be in need of because today was when my friends and I were going to explore Cane Hill, the mental hospital that has been abandoned for years. I gathered a torch, my slingshot and a few French bangers. I left my house feeling thrilled as well as sick, for I was about to enter a hospital that has been haunted even since people worked there. I met Michael and Shaun outside their houses; both of them had torches because we knew it would be pitch black, as dusk came upon us....   [tags: Papers]474 words
(1.4 pages)
The Holistic Assessment of a Patient Admitted to a Hospital - The Holistic Assessment of a Patient Admitted to a Hospital Missing Works Cited and Figures The purpose of this essay is to describe the holistic assessment of a 66 year old male patient who has been admitted to hospital for bowel surgery following the diagnosis of a cancerous tumor. The operation will result in the patient having a part of his bowel removed after which the patient will require a colostomy bag for the elimination of feces (see patient profile in appendix 1 for further details)....   [tags: Nursing Medical Papers Surgery]2682 words
(7.7 pages)
The Positive Impact of Performance Management at Peel Hospital - ... Performance Management Performance management is a process used in assessing progress in order to achieve predetermined goals. Performance management involves performance planning; this is where the goals and objectives are planned. Peel Hospital was able to develop a more specific mission statement which the employee understood and believed in; performance coaching was also implemented to help give feedback; each individual performance was documented and feedback delivered. The impact of performance management on Peel Hospital was enormous....   [tags: business, management, case study, solution]
:: 3 Works Cited
1015 words
(2.9 pages)
Information System of Children's Hospital In Los Angeles - Since some of my relatives are working in the hospital, and I’ve known something inside of it, I would like to talk about the information system implementation in the Children Hospital in Los Angeles. A hospital information system (HIS), variously also called clinical information system (CIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. This encompasses paper-based information processing as well as data processing machines....   [tags: Analysis IT Information Software]1175 words
(3.4 pages)
Benefits of Technology at Children's Hospital Research Foundation ... The division offers following options in data collection applications. 1. TeleForm®: paper-based data collection : Teleform software is for creating paper-based forms that, upon completion can be validated before submitting the responses to the database (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, 2011). 2. REDCap: REDCap is developed by Vanderbelt Universtiy and is available to research community through Informatics Working Group. It is simple and not so fancy web based forms application to capture data....   [tags: Information Technology ]
:: 3 Works Cited
1317 words
(3.8 pages)
Comparison of Two Hospital Dramas: Casualty and ER - Comparison of Two Hospital Dramas: Casualty and ER This essay will compare the two hospital dramas, Casualty and ER. Casualty is a British hospital drama. It is shown on BBC1 at 8:05 on a Saturday evening .It has been one of the biggest and most popular hospital dramas ever made in Britain. The fact that it's lasted over ten series, has been sold to many countries around the world, and it still manages to pull in big audiences speaks for itself. The series is set in the fictional town of Holby, and is set in the hospital, Holby A+E....   [tags: Papers]893 words
(2.6 pages)
An Analysis of the Los Angeles County Hospital Emergency Room - An Analysis of the Los Angeles County Hospital Emergency Room Learning Team Operations Management Plan The problem of emergency department overcrowding has become an important issue for many emergency departments throughout the city and county of Los Angeles. Patients frequently have to wait hours just to get into the emergency department to be seen by a physician or other healthcare professionals. The problem does not seem to be getting better as times goes on, but indeed studies seem to indicate that the condition is growing worse....   [tags: Business and Management Studies]3631 words
(10.4 pages)
Liquidity and Solvency Analysis Report for LifePoint Hospital - ... This could be an indicator that as the reputations of the healthcare service that they provided displayed that they were a capable and competent healthcare facility, their patient load increased. This figure is congruent with the company’s increase in revenues. Inventory within the company has decreased which could reflect on the hospitals’ use of medical supplies and/or patient care items (wheelchair, walkers, bedpan, etc.). There is a risk to too much inventory, thus Lifepoint’s decrease from their 2008 inventory of $91,200, to their 2010 of $84, 600 is good....   [tags: Business]
:: 5 Works Cited
1162 words
(3.3 pages)
Hospital Sisters Health System & HSHS Medical Group - ... Along with the roles and responsibilities mentioned above, I also serve as the primary graphic designer for all HSHS and HSHS Medical Group projects. Thanks to my long-standing relationship with the client(s) and participation in creating their Graphic Standards and developing their new logo, I am not only responsible for the design, execution and production of their materials, but also serve in a consulting capacity, helping the newly formed HSHS Medical Group adhere to and comply with their recently created and evolving Brand Standards....   [tags: Consulting]1136 words
(3.2 pages)
The Innovative Lab Express Project at Massachusetts General Hospital - ... To solve the issue of the repetitiveness and inefficiency of adding new lab content, Order Entry scrapped and re-wrote its lab module so that the screens and content could be driven by the lab staff. This was an innovative decision because most of the Order Entry forms to that point had hard-coded content that was not easily customizable. That proved also be a challenge because the LIS is a third-party vendor and the flexibility needed to have LIS send all of the necessary data to Order Entry was not there....   [tags: Project Analysis]1297 words
(3.7 pages)
My Experience Working as a Medical Student in Selayang Hospital, Malaysia - My decision to do elective in my country, Malaysia during last summer is indeed a wise choice. In addition, I need to go back to Malaysian to serve the government for ten years after I graduated. This elective has opened my eyes and give me a flavour about Malaysia’s health system in general and what to expect about the local working environment. Aims The main aim of the elective is to find the differences between Malaysia’s and British health systems particularly in terms of public health, patient education, health staff, health service that could be offered to the multicultural population both in the urban and rural area....   [tags: medical]1059 words
(3 pages)
Organization Review: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center - ... Furtherance, to this with the diversity of both the private and governmental health sector within the kingdom there is various practices of administering the differential health sector and various policies governing them. Accordingly, the aim of the various health organisations is the provision of qualitative health service to the citizens of the country and the public at large. Consecutively, for the attainment of the success of this goal, the implementation of good management skills are essential....   [tags: Business Review]1173 words
(3.4 pages)
Self management approach at King Fahd University Hospital in Saudi Arabia ... There are many points will be discussed such as current health services, patients with chronic diseases at King Fahd University Hospital, health care delivery and self-management approaches. In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Health is responsible for the supervision of healthcare and hospitals in both the public and private sectors (Hziegler, 2011). The system offers universal healthcare coverage. The Ministry provides primary health care services through a network of health care centers comprising 1,925 centers throughout the kingdom....   [tags: Health, Chronic Diseases]1273 words
(3.6 pages)
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My Medical Attachment in Sarawak General Hospital in Borneo, Malaysia - I did my medical attachment in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH), Borneo, Malaysia in another remaining four weeks of my elective period. This government hospital is older than the Selayang Hospital and it provides standard health facilities. I spent most of my time in General Medicine department. I felt so fortunate to get to know doctors in the SGH who are very dedicated, flexible and motivating. I gathered many clinical experiences related to both common and rare infectious diseases in SGH such as malaria, tuberculosis, dengue fever, Japanese Encephalitis....   [tags: medical attachment, United Kingdom, Hospitals, Mal]584 words
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Developing a Regional Mental Health Hospital Which Offers A Therapeutic Environment ... Witmer a psychiatrist and concern about the mental health state that although mental disorders are widespread, serious cases are concentrated among a relatively small proportion of people who experience more than one mental health problem. In every one of four people can experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in every year and one in six experiences this at any given time. It is estimated that approximately 450 million people worldwide have a mental health problem. A survey report from the office for National Statistics Psychiatric Morbidity report (2009) that women are more likely to have been treated for a mental health problem than men (29% compared to 17%)....   [tags: Mental Health]1330 words
(3.8 pages)
Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane by Etheridge Knight - Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane by Etheridge Knight In Etheridge Knight's poem "Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane," he uses a fictional tale to describe the tyrannical elements of prisons while simultaneously conveying the oppression that those who defy authority face in society. Knight effectively utilizes imagery and analogies (implied or clearly stated) to appeal to the readers senses and draw them into the story (and ultimately the motif)....   [tags: Papers]540 words
(1.5 pages)
Lister’s Ideas About Hospital Infection and His Suggestions for Dealing With This Problem - Lister’s Ideas About Hospital Infection and His Suggestions for Dealing With This Problem Throughout most of Lister’s career, his ideas and theories were mocked. The basis for the majority of his work was the germ theory. This stated that germs were tiny micro organisms that were the cause of infection and disease and not the result of it. Because of the ignorance of the medical professions at this time, Lister’s ideas were not accepted by most doctors and his was made a mockery....   [tags: Papers]901 words
(2.6 pages)
Inpatient Hospital Stays: Communication between Physicians and Patients Source Review - ... The article shares examples of doctors who have told patients of procedures or medications that could potentially extend their life but not explain the quality of that life. A physician’s decision may not be favorable and leaves him or her not knowing when to do something as opposed to doing nothing. Patients in the hospital can receive life threatening news but do not want to hear there are no other options. The physician may want to try something that will give a patient a few more days although there is only a 5% chance of extending life and a 40% chance of causing more harm, they chose to perform the procedure....   [tags: Health Care, Communicating with Patients]1944 words
(5.6 pages)
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An Exploration Of Popular Hospital Drama Series With Reference To Two Or More Selected Episodes(Casualty and ER) - An Exploration Of Popular Hospital Drama Series With Reference To Two Or More Selected Episodes (Casualty and ER) One of the world's most popular television genres is the Hospital Drama. Incorporating many aspects of real-life, relationships, family, money etc. with the action of a busy hospital. They are easily recognisable due to common conventions across the board although they can vary vastly in some areas from series to series. ER is one of America's most popular shows, and its British audiences are ever increasing due to its up-to-date introduction in the 'E4' schedule....   [tags: Papers]1087 words
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THE EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE OF STAFF NURSES OF LUCENA UNITED DOCTORS HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER IN THE INTRAVENOUS THERAPY STANDARDS - ... It will also take the nurses away from other issues that may require their attention that will lead to wastage of healthcare resources including materials and nursing time. The increase use of IV catheters also raises the hazard of needle stick injuries with subsequent effect on the incidence of blood stream infections. All of the problems and instances cited above will result to disruption of IV fluid schedules or medications, and an increase in hospital stay, cost, likelihood of infection, and morbidity (Masoorli, 2007 pp....   [tags: Nursing ]
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1018 words
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On The Construction, Organization And General Arrangements Of Hospitals For The Insane (1854) - Dr. Thomas Kirkbride was born in 1809 in Pennsylvania. He went to the University of Pennsylvania Medical School originally intending to become a surgeon. However, in 1840 after his training and internship at Friends‘ Asylum, he was offered to become the superintendent of the newly established Pennsylvania Hospital of the Insane. "His ambition, intellect, and strong sense of purpose enabled him to use that position to become one of the most prominent authorities on mental health care in the latter half of the nineteenth century." He soon became the founding member of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, and later was elected the president of the American Psychiatric Association....   [tags: Mental Hospital ]1187 words
(3.4 pages)
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Transformational Leadership in Healthcare - ... 31). Bass acknowledges that transformational leadership is not a panacea, and in certain situations other styles of leadership are indicated (Avery, Avery, Bell, Hilb, & Witte, 2004, p. 97). A flexible organization with leaders whose style is adaptable to meet the changing needs of employees and situation may ascribe the situational leadership model. Situational leaders rely on intuition and analysis of a given situation to lead in a way that makes sense based on that particular situation. The effective manager is able to utilize multiple leadership styles as conditions change....   [tags: Hospital Administration]
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849 words
(2.4 pages)
Case Study Analysis - Case Study Analysis Chris Smith received a promotion to executive assistant to the chief executive officer at Faith Community Hospital. On Chris’s first day as executive assistant his boss, Pat, the CEO of Faith Community Hospital, meets with Chris to discuss, what the hospital does and some of the problems that the hospital is having. At the end of the meeting, Pat asks Chris to prepare a report that covers three areas: what is going on right now, what they can do about it, and what they should do about it....   [tags: Business Hospital Management Essays]1790 words
(5.1 pages)
A True Life Hero - A True Life Hero Ambulance sirens sound throughout the halls, people are rushing around from room to room, and the waiting room is piled up with people. This is how Lori Breaux describes a typical night in the emergency room. “I’ve been doing this for so long now you would think it would feel natural to me, but sometimes I just have to stop and take a deep breath and make sure this is all real”, she explains. Going through nursing school she wondered if it was worth all the stress, but the thought that one day she could be saving peoples’ lives kept her going....   [tags: Emergency Room Hospital]1003 words
(2.9 pages)
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Sane Versus Insane - ... When Ratched refuses to allow a change in her system and for the men to watch the World Series, McMurphy defies her by not “even let[ting] on [that] he knows the picture is turned off” and continuing to sit there while she huffs and puffs, losing her calm jurisdiction (144). This is the beginning of Nurse Ratched’s downfall, as she begins to crack under McMurphy’s pressure. She is able to temporarily build herself back up throughout, but every challenge brings her mild-mannered attitude a little lower....   [tags: Health Care, Mental Hospital]1337 words
(3.8 pages)
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The Dark Nurse - ... Pathetically flailing my arms upward, I uttered the word, “What?” Gladys let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. Bending over, she leaned in closer, the smell of lilac perfume resonated from her figure, the odor a menacing miasma that brought images of toxic gas to mind. Gladys forced my eyes to lock with hers, a looming beast analyzing its prey. Opening her mouth to speak, the scent of garlic abused my nostrils with each breath. Finally, she repeated herself, “Tell me how much you are hurting....   [tags: Fictional Writing, narrative, hospital, numb]1091 words
(3.1 pages)
Strategic Planning ... The number of registered nurses who work full-time is 35 while those working part-time are 12 in number. Practical nurses who are licensed and work full-time are 2 while those working part-time are also 2. Atchison hospital has 195 full-time personnel and 75 part-time personnel (Atchison Hospital, n.d). The hospital has 25 beds and a total of 1562 people are admitted every year. On annual basis, the number of inpatient surgeries is 365 people while the number of outpatient surgeries is 1602....   [tags: Health Care]
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1225 words
(3.5 pages)
Critical Thinking Case Study - Critical Thinking Case Study Chris had just been promoted as an Executive Assistant for Pat the CEO, Chief Executive Officer, of Faith Community Hospital. Pat had given Chris her very first assignment on her first day of work as an executive assistant and that was to gather information so that Pat can present the issues to the board of directors....   [tags: Business, Case Study, solution]1794 words
(5.1 pages)
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ambulatory care - Haugh, Richard, Hospitals are feeling 'niched to death', H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, 10688838, Apr2002, Vol. 76, Issue 4 This article is about a small Louisiana town where a dispute between the sole hospital and its largest physician group. The hospital is a160-bed facility in and is going to be losing a big part of its surgery business to the Green Clinic, a 35-physician multi-specialty group that is building its own specialty hospital a few miles down the road. The doctors serve the vast majority of patients in the town of 25,000....   [tags: essays research papers]426 words
(1.2 pages)
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Dioxin - Dioxin Out to Help, or Out to Hurt. Imagine yourself building a life in a neighborhood that has everything to offer: A playground for the children, a day care center, an elementary school, a hospital, and friendly people. Everything seems to be perfect until you find out that the hospital, noted for helping people overcome illness and other ailments, is in turn causing some of those health problems. This neighborhood is not so ideal anymore. You begin to ask yourself if there was something you could have done, something you should have known, but you just don't have the answers....   [tags: Essays Papers]
:: 5 Sources Cited
1837 words
(5.2 pages)
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Performance Management Performance Management Performance Management - To look into the performance measures for a hospital and also an electrical goods retailer. From this I will look into a few companies of each and write what sort of performance measures they use and if their management priorities. Management Coursework Performance Management For this assignment I have been assigned to look into the performance measures for a hospital and also an electrical goods retailer. From this I will look into a few companies of each and write what sort of performance measures they use and if their management priorities should lie elsewhere or not....   [tags: Business and Management Studies]2246 words
(6.4 pages)
Let It Pour - Case Study Analysis 1) Identify the Problem There appears to be multiple problems in this scenario. Let me identify some of the problems faced by Faith Community hospital. First and foremost, there appears to be some ethical issues affecting different associates of Faith Community. There is a division of the morals and religious beliefs among colleges and patients alike. A problem with the staff being divided is the fact that some staff does not want to perform certain medical tasks or procedures because of their moral or religious beliefs....   [tags: Case Study, Analysis, solution]1763 words
(5 pages)
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Impact of Vertical Mobility on Employee Efficiency: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Health Sectors - ... • To compare public and private sector in their vertical mobility practices • To compare public and private sector in their employee efficiency. The research is comparative in nature and was conducted in public and private hospitals. Therefore, for this research the sample was taken from Holy Family Hospital and Shifa International Hospital Rawalpindi. LITERATURE REVIEW Every organization, whether it be a public, private or NGO, must operate with and through people. Public organizations in particular are judged on the basis of the performance of their human resources....   [tags: Health Care]
:: 23 Works Cited
2460 words
(7 pages)
Critical Thinking Case Study - Critical Thinking Case Study Executive Summary Faith Community Hospital is currently at risk of legal action for not complying with state and federal healthcare provider mandates. At the same time the hospital is also suffering financial problems that will severely impact operational capability if left unchecked. The following issues are at the forefront of the problems: 1. Staff personnel are providing and not providing services based upon their religious beliefs. 2. Doctors are interpreting the Hippocratic oath as they see fit....   [tags: Organization Analysis Communication Management]1660 words
(4.7 pages)
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student - I believe managed care plans do not provide coverage for the necessary duration of hospital stays. Most managed care plans, particularly HMOs, are run by for-profit companies. These for-profits are constantly looking for ways to cut costs and increase their market share. Managed care plans limit choice of physicians and health care facilities and tightly control both the utilization of services and the amount charged for these services. In many plans, a set fee per person/per month is negotiated between health care purchasers and providers....   [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 2 Sources Cited
518 words
(1.5 pages)
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Carbon Footprint of Hospitals - Hospital Carbon Footprint Introduction The last time you went to the hospital, were you more concerned with the chemicals that said hospital released into the atmosphere or why you were in the hospital in the first place. Hospitals are such a staple in life that most don't bother to consider the effects they might have on the environment. Hospitals need to expend an immense amount of energy to tend to their patients, employees, and visitors. They emit a large amount of carbon into the atmosphere and presumably have a huge carbon footprint; the measure of the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere is a carbon footprint....   [tags: Global Warming Climate Change Carbon Emissions]1268 words
(3.6 pages)
On House and Holmes - ... In the article “Places for Mysteries” by Douglas R. McManis, he states that the “setting for a plot should be a fictionalized version of the real world milieus which characters would ordinarily frequent on the basis of their socioeconomic status” (320). McManis understands that the common setting of detective fiction and other works of literature must be identifiable to the readers, just as the hospital is identifiable to the viewers of the medical drama “House, M.D.”. In “Murder and the Mean Streets: The Hard-Boiled Detective Novel” George Grella states that “American society is vast, polyglot, and heterogeneous, difficult to capsulize” (411)....   [tags: Literary Characters] 
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